The gift that keeps on giving...

A Forum Film Club membership costs just $20 for one year. You will receive a free ticket when you join! As a member you are entitled to discounted tickets, saving up to $6.50. In addition, regular moviegoers will also be able to see every fifth film for $5.00 with our rewards card. It's incredible value!
(Please note that all five movies must be viewed in a three-month period, for a full list of terms and conditions, see below)

How do I join?

To sign up to the Forum Film Club, come into the cinema and see one of the friendly staff at the candybar.
They will take you through the paperwork, and print your personalised member card. This usually takes about five minutes to complete.

Please be aware that during busy periods we may not be able to process your membership sign-up immediately - it is recommended to come during a quiet time to ensure that your membership can be processed.
As your membership card is personalised, you must be present for your picture to be taken. If you are not present, we cannot process your membership.

Club Memberships on sale all year - Valid for 12 months

wagga-member-voucher.PNGA Forum Club membership is a fantastic gift idea!

All you need to do is purchase a Forum Club voucher, which the recipient can then bring to the Forum 6 Cinemas to exchange for a 12-month membership.

* Conditions apply (see below)

Discounted Movie Tickets

Forum Film Club (Adult) cardholders: $11.00 for Saver sessions, and $13.00 for Standard sessions. Forum Film Club membership card

Senior Film Club (Seniors) cardholders: $11.00 for Saver sessions, and $13.00 for Standard sessions.

Kids Film Club (Kids) cardholders: $11.00 for Saver sessions, and $13.00 for Standard sessions. 


There is a $3 surcharge on all 3D movies. Save $1 by reusing your 3D glasses!   

Please note that a surcharge may apply to 3D movies, and member ticket prices may not be available for films marked as 'Special Events'. See our full terms and conditions below.        

Membership Conditions

• Membership rates, benefits and conditions may be subject to change without notice
• Membership cards and membership benefits are for the specified member only, and cannot be shared
• Membership benefits are valid only with the presentation of a valid membership card
• Lost membership cards will incur a $5.00 replacement fee, with the same expiry as the original card
• Rewards cards are valid until and including the expiry date indicated on the card, or at the expiry of the membership, whichever comes first
• Rewards cards are not valid unless presented with a valid membership card
• Rewards card validation is for the member’s ticket only, and only on the purchase of a full-price member ticket. No rewards card validation will be received for the use of Movie Money, or free tickets held by the member
• No extensions will be granted on expired memberships, member rewards cards or complimentary tickets
• Memberships, complimentary and half-price tickets do not guarantee admission to a session, and seating is subject to availability
• Complimentary sign-up tickets are valid for three (3) months from date of sign-up or renewal of membership
• A valid complimentary or $5.00 ticket can be exchanged for a single admission ticket for a single session
• A surcharge of $3.00 will apply for the use of complimentary and half-price tickets for 3D sessions
• Forum 6 Cinemas, in its sole discretion, may terminate or suspend any membership at any time without prior notice to the member
• The complimentary sign-up ticket is redeemable for films listed as “No Free Tickets”, as advertised throughout all advertising material including, but not limited to, newspapers, website, Facebook® and in the cinema complex. No complimentary membership ticket is valid for films listed as “Special Event”.
• Members are still entitled to a rewards card validation if they are viewing a session listed as “Special Event”, including, but not limited to, double features, movie marathons, live performances, silver screens, and operas. If a member is up to a $5.00 ticket on their rewards card, a new rewards card will be issued and stamped
• Memberships are valid only at Forum 6 Cinemas Wagga Wagga